Your Step-by-Step Guide: Corner Bakery Cafe Fundraiser - GroupRaise

Well, grab your fundraising cape because we’re about to embark on an exciting journey through the Corner Bakery Cafe fundraiser.


Are you ready to take your fundraising game to the next level? Looking for a way to turn your next event into a memorable experience that not only raises funds but also brings people together over delicious food and fantastic brews?  This comprehensive guide is your ticket to making it happen, hassle-free and with heaps of flavor.

​​At Corner Bakery Cafe, they don’t just serve up mouthwatering cuisine; they also open their doors to enthusiastic groups like yours, eager to make a positive impact in their communities. Whether you’re fundraising for a school, a sports team, a charity, or any other noble cause, Corner Bakery Cafe is here to support you every step of the way.


Image from Corner Bakery Cafe website


So, let’s dive in and discover the art of fundraising, the Corner Bakery Cafe way!

H2: How It Works:

Now that we’re all fired up and ready to go, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of arranging a memorable fundraiser at Corner Bakery Cafe. It’s as easy as sipping a cold brew on a hot summer day.


Requesting an event at Corner Bakery Cafe takes just 1 minute:


  1. Select a Corner Bakery Cafe location
  2. Pick a date and time
  3. Provide some basic information about your organization
  4. Submit!


Corner Bakery Cafe hosts groups every day from 7:00 am to 08:00 pm. They welcome all types of groups and there is no limit to the amount of fundraisers you can host with them.


With 15-25% donated back for each event, a passion for bringing families together and fresh, tasty food, Corner Bakery Cafe definitely offers a delicious way for you to fundraise.


Corner Bakery Cafe: The Perfect Fundraising Partner


No Limit to Fundraising Fun


Guess what? Corner Bakery Cafe is all about inclusivity. There’s no limit to the number of fundraisers you can host with them. So, whether you’re raising funds for your school, sports team, or a charitable cause, they’ve got your back.


Deliciously Generous: 15-25% Donated Back


Here’s the icing on the cake – Corner Bakery Cafe believes in giving back. They’ll donate a generous 15-25% of the event’s proceeds to your cause. It’s like money raining down for your organization!


Food that Hits the Spot


Food is a universal language, and Corner Bakery Cafe speaks it fluently. Their menu boasts fresh, tasty delights that’ll leave your guests craving for more. It’s fundraising with flavor!


A Flavorful Fundraising Adventure with Corner Bakery Cafe!


Corner Bakery Cafe isn’t just a venue; it’s a partner in your quest to make a difference. With their commitment to giving back, their delectable menu, and their warm hospitality, they stand out as the perfect place to host your fundraiser.


From selecting the perfect location to enjoying delicious food and getting a generous 15-25% back for your cause, it’s a win-win-win! 


So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your fundraiser today