Thanks For Supporting:

Safe Haven Equine Rescue

This GroupRaise Meal Happened on Friday November 16, 2018

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Thanks for coming out and supporting Safe Haven Equine Rescue's GroupRaise meal at Jason's Deli!
You raised $12.4 at your GroupRaise event!

Why We're Raising

Are you hungry??? So are the horses!!! Eat dinner with us and help feed the horses at the same time. It's fun, yummy, and supports a great cause. Safe Haven Equine Rescue and Retirement Home, Inc. is a volunteer based, non-profit organization accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries that is dedicated to the welfare of horses. Our goal is to rescue abused, neglected, or distressed horses, bring these rescued horses back to optimal health and to find them loving homes. In some cases, due to age or disability, a horse will not be able to be adopted. For these horses, Safe Haven Equine Rescue and Retirement Home, Inc. will provide a home where they can peacefully live out the rest of their life with love and dignity.
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Event Details

Jason's Deli
Friday November 16, 2018
4913 S. Broadway
Tyler, TX
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Who Ate

Attendance Goal: {{vm.goal}}
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVPs so far, {{vm.rsvpsToGoal()}} to go!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVP Goal is met!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} people RSVPed
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